Author: embreis23

  • IRS Gremlin defeated

    Athens Area Pagans, Inc., has been a registered tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) since Sept. 26, 2013 (the date of the Final Determination letter we got from the IRS). We worked hard to get that exemption and have continued to be vigilant in defending it. But we discovered a problem in February. We noticed…

  • A Pagan Bestiary Part III

    THE ECLECTICS: Eclectics are those folk who have felt the call of the old gods and goddesses, but do not find it necessary to try to imitate the religious practices of the ancient world and are not convinced by any particular Traditionalist path.

  • A Pagan Bestiary, Part II

    This is the second installment of A Pagan Bestiary, a brief history of Modern Paganism, and an attempt to categorize and explain many of the different beliefs, paths and practices of Modern Pagans. Parts III will be published here next week. By Embreis23 THE TRADITIONALISTS: In general, Traditionalists believe that they are continuing practices or…

  • A Pagan Bestiary, Part I

    This is the first installment of A Pagan Bestiary, a brief history of Modern Paganism, and an attempt to categorize and explain many of the different beliefs, paths and practices of Modern Pagans. Parts II and III will be published here over the next two weeks. By Embreis23 Disclaimer: This document is necessarily skewed toward…

  • Saturday Meeting at AllWays

    We will not be meeting at Rabbit Hole Studios this Saturday at 5 pm, as we will be out at the AllWays land preparing for Sunday’s open house and Beltane ritual. If anyone would like to join us — and we can use all the the helpl we can get — the address is 720…