We are happy to announce that we will be vending at Athens Pride Festival 2022 this year! Athens Pride & Queer Collective is having a week long celebration of our wonderful queer community. As an open and welcoming organization, we are glad to be a part of it.
We will have a booth at the Athens Pride Festival at Terrapin on September 17, 2022. The festival starts at 12 pm and ends at 8 pm. Our booth will have members available to talk with you about our pagan community, AllWays Intentional Community, volunteer opportunities, and more. Literature about our organizations will be available to read or take with you. We will also have tarot and rune readers who will be available for readings during part of event. Donations from readings go towards organizing Athens Pagan Pride Day.
Come on out and visit us and enjoy the rest of Pride! We’ll be glad to see you.