Click here to view photos of the area. Note that the barricades in the street are there to protect people from automobile traffic, so they won’t be there during the festival (because no automobile traffic).
Map Information
The map below shows the vendor sites, with labels.
- Sites are labeled N1 through N15 and S1 through S18.
- If you want a large site, you can ignore the “E” and “W” labels.
- If you want a small site, please specify whether you want ‘E’ or ‘W’. For example, if you want the small site in S7 that is closest to the Workshops Area, you would indicate S7-W.
- There is no difference between pink or blue coloring. The colors are only there for visual clarity.
- The N, S, E & W labels correspond roughly to the cardinal directions. In the map, north is to the left.
- The ‘Parklets’ are places where local businesses might place outdoor seating for their customers.
- The “Bank Turnaround” is a place for cars using that bank to turn around. Normally, they exit onto the street. We have placed our booths around the area for added safety.
Site Availability
Grayed-out sites are already reserved. A list below also notes the reserved sites. We will update these as often as possible. The list below will likely be updated more quickly than the image.

Reserved Sites List
This list will probably be updated before the graphic above.
3 Feathers Emporium: S6W
A Touch of Magic: S4E
Beloved Apothecary: S7E
Branch & Bone: S5W
By: Spiritually Yours: N10E
Carmanda Arts Things: S6E
Circle of the Risen Phoenix: N6
Crest14 and Thee Athens Ladies Co’op: N10W
Faerie Apothecary: S11E
Faerie Dragon Healing Creations and Seed Bead Therapy: S10
Healing Ways: N12E
Mixed Mythologies: S2E
Musing Crystal: S7W
Oracle Visionary: S8E
Orchid Wolf Crafts: S5E
PsychicNguyen industrial: N3E
Ravenz Wing Healing: S2W
Rose Thistle & Broom: N8E
Serendipitous Souls: N3W
Sparkles and Swirls Unique Boutique: N8W
The Art of Tiffany Toland-Scott: S8W
Twin Ravens Studios: S9E
Vincent’s Place Sanctuary: S9W
Wandrring Bazaar: S4W
Water & Wick: S1E
WhiteOak Art Designs & More: S1W
Wicked World: S13
Wilde autumn apothecary & vintage: N2
Willow Dragonstone Community & Coven: N1
World Arts LLC: N7