General Info
- See below for details about the common tour types. Custom tours are available.
- Wear hiking clothes. Expect briers and dirt and mud and critters and all the things you might normally encounter on a hike.
- We recommend a walking stick. Even if you are sure-footed, they are useful for moving branches, joro spider webs, etc.
- Bring water, snacks, sunglasses, and whatever else you need.
- Wear bug repellent if the temperature is likely to climb over 65 degrees.
Tour durations given below assume a small amount of stopping to chat and such.

Standard Tour
All the colored, solid lines (trails A, B, D and the solid-line parts of C). Duration: about an hour.
Full Tour
All the colored trails, including the dashed parts of trail C. Also involves a little walking around in the land to the west (left) of Frederick Dr. Duration 1.5-2 hours.
Perimeter Walk
Walk most or all of the property lines. Can include interior lines if desired. Some parts of the perimeter are not easily accessible, and these will be avoided. Until we have a survey, we are doing our best to guess where the lines are. That said, we have found most of the property markers and we have a pretty good idea where the boundaries are. Duration: 4 hours, give or take. Note: the eastern property line is very difficult to follow perfectly because it crosses a deep gash in the ground. Let us know ahead of time if you want to try to do that.
Custom Tour
We can customize a tour for you if there is something specific you want to see.