River Temple will celebrate Mabon on Sunday, Sept. 22, fairly early in the day. Begin arriving around 4 pm, with plans to begin the ritual at 5:30. We will be using the same ritual script as last year. The Ritual will be held at The Hill. For directions, email jim@athensareapagan.org or Lachele@athensareapagans.org.
Mabon Ritual Sept. 23
River Temple will hold a ritual for Mabon (the Fall Equinox) on Saturday, Sept. 23 at The Hill. We will meet as usual at Rabbit Hole Studios at 5 pm but will adjourn early for the ritual which should begin around 730 pm. Bring food or drink, but be prepared to leave nothing behind. For directions and other info, email jim@athensareapagans.org or join Athens Area Pagans